We Guarantee Our SLAs

Relax, Our Service Is Guaranteed

At Siri Tech Global we believe all our customers deserve complete peace of mind. That’s why we wrap all our services in a single cast-iron guarantee. We give you fully guaranteed SLAs and transparent all-inclusive pricing with no unexpected extras.
We’re confident our services will cut your risk, cost and downtime. But, if you’re not completely happy, your contract can be cancelled at any time. No penalties or punitive early-exit clauses. The choice is yours.

Your Guarantee Includes:

  • All-inclusive pricing, with no hidden add-ons
  • Unlimited access to our technical team

Your Guarantee Includes:

We’re proud to say our customers rate us very highly for our service delivery. Over 94% stay with us for year after year, and many go on to recommend us to their friends and colleagues.